Elevators intrigue me. In the corporate world we are encouraged to have an “elevator pitch”, a quick blurb that you can spout off to a complete stranger in the time the elevator takes you from the lobby to your designated floor. Your elevator pitch should convey to said stranger what it is you do, who you are – in other words, your message to the world must be compact enough to be delivered in a matter of a few seconds.
I have never been good at my elevator pitch because I am (clearly) way too wordy, but elevators intrigue me, none the less. The connections we make for that brief moment in time can truly set the tone for the day. Today was no disappointment. Today, happiness was THIS elevator pitch! #HappinessHappens
I work on the 10th floor, so thankfully my elevator pitch can be rather lengthy, if needed. This morning a coworker entered the elevator on the second floor. I have worked with this woman for almost a year now, but from a distance. She is very friendly and talkative, but our work-related paths don’t cross throughout the day. We always exchange niceties and quick experiences from our weekend or evening when we see each other at the water cooler, but this morning was different.
[bctt tweet=”The connections we make throughout the day weave our tapestry of life. #HappinessHappens”]
She walked in, beaming. There is a certain look/ glow that a mother gets when she has something extraordinary to share with the world. When her child has reached a milestone, hit his first homerun or invented the internet. You know the look – I am sure you had the same look this week after your kids came back from their first day of school.
I didn’t have to prompt or pry the information out of her. She saw me, beamed and spilled the beans – she gave me her elevator pitch for the day. Her son became an Eagle Scout last night! (Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America.) While this is a great accomplishment in anyone’s eyes, I could tell that this was an incredible feat for this mother, her son – for her entire family.
This morning we connected in the elevator, beyond what we have done over the past year. Our 12 month long “coworker relationship” was brought to a new level in the time it took us to get from the second to the 10th floor.
She shared with me that her son has Asperger’s Syndrome, which makes his accomplishment of becoming an Eagle Scout that much more wonderful and impressive. It is a testament to his hard work, her and her husband’s diligence as his advocates and a pat on the shoulder to his sister for being his cheerleader – this was such a wonderful “win” for the entire family. Since I don’t have children on the autism spectrum, I don’t know her exact struggles: the years she has fought for him to be “main-streamed”, “included” and “involved”. However, I DO know the feeling of winning as a mother.
I know the pride a mother feels when her child defies all odds and knocks down every obstacle in his way. I know that feeling, I too have beamed, glowed and wanted to shout from the mountain tops – as she did this morning in the elevator.
Hers was the elevator pitch to end all elevator pitches. In the time it took us to travel eight floors she shared with me the story of a mother’s initial anguish and sadness to triumph and optimism for the future. Without words I understood the tears, the sweat and the endless sleepless nights she endured to get him to the day he became an Eagle Scout.
What is your elevator pitch today? How will your story impact a stranger?
This elevator encounter sure set the tone of my day. I shared this mother’s happiness and that’s what brief encounters are all about – shared happiness.
When I came home from work there were two boxes of delicious chocolate covered pretzel sticks from Shari’s Berries sent to me just to share happiness. Speaking of shared happiness, I immediately brought one box down to a neighbor who I knew was having a lack-luster day. Because when happiness happens – it should be shared!
Check out Shari’s Berries for incredibly delicious treats. This are a perfect way to share happiness with friends, relatives and neighbors! Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Here’s an awesome coupon if you wish to treat yourself or someone you love!
If you loved this article, then I am sure you will enjoy this one too!
“Happiness Is a Special Needs Family”