This post was sponsored by prAna in return for my honest opinion of their clothes. Every opinion stated in this post is 100% mine.
What is your style? Do your clothes reflect the woman, mom, spouse, friend, daughter or person that you are? This is something I struggled with for quite some time. Not so much “who am I” as “who do I portrait myself to be?”
I used to envy the women who so perfectly matched their style with their personality.
Check out prAna, get 15% off your entire purchase with code: BLOGF16TMS
Corporate Life:
Exactly 15 months ago, my life changed. I went from working in a corporate job for over 20 years, to staying home with our four kids. I went from a strict dress code of suits and lots of fanciness, to no dress code and lots of comfort.
My days were spent sitting at a desk, a monotony only broken when I grabbed papers off the printer or made copies. My days now are full of building LEGO on the floor, painting pine cones on the ground, climbing stairs with laundry baskets in my arms and building blanket forts in the living room.
[bctt tweet=”Find the style that reflects your true #personality. #Motherhood #MomStyle @prAna” username=”MamaintheNow”]
I used to feel less-than and under-dressed. My suits, my accessories, shoes and purses were never quite enough… not new enough, pretty enough, expensive enough… just not enough.
- Have you ever been in that situation?
- Where getting dressed is a struggle because nothing fits right, looks right and it certainly doesn’t reflect who you are on the inside?!
Stay-At-Home Life:
A few months after I stopped wearing suits, I went through my closet and purged all the things that no longer fit in either size, comfort, color, fashion or simply just didn’t fit who I am.
- Dare to take a drastic look at your closet without any sentimental attachments.
- If you have concert t-shirts that no longer fit, store them in a bin with other sentimental items from your past.
- Remember, your closet is for clothes you will wear over the next 12 months.
Now a year after the initial purge, I am getting ready to delve further into the deepest corners of my closet and get rid of the things that haven’t been worn in the past year.
- I use “a year” as my measure, because if you have gone through all four seasons without wearing a certain pair of pants, chances are – you won’t wear them over the next 12 months.
The only reason why I am ready for the final closet clean-out, is because I have found ME… and my style.
Yes, I wear the obligatory black mom-yoga pants a few days a week, however, I am making an effort to add more color, style and shape to my wardrobe… because after all isn’t that who we are?
Women like color, style and have shapes – let’s flaunt everything we’ve got.
- Chances are that you are NOT the same person you were before kids, or even just a few years ago.
- Your taste is fluid and always changing, so don’t feel bad when a shirt you USED to love is now hanging in the closet for months on end, without being worn.
- It may just be time to donate it to someone who WILL love it – as much as you used to.
Being unemotional as you go through your closet will allow you to be true to yourself and your personal style.
I recently found a line of clothes that perfectly reflects who I am as a mom and woman. Without being restricted to only wearing black yoga pants, they have comfortable and stylish shirts, jeans, cargo pants and dresses… everything a busy mom needs when she wants comfort and down-to-earth classic styles.
prAna makes clothes for men and women who love to live fully, play long, and travel well. Their production philosophy and packaging has the environment’s best interest at heart. You won’t find a senseless use of plastic or other unsustainable products.
prAna carries a whole line of yoga clothes and accessories, but also so much more than that. They have outer wear, stylish skirts and dresses, comfortable and flattering jeans and pants and adorable tops – perfect for any body type.
The only prerequisite for wearing prAna clothes is that you must exude a love for life!
Check out my new oh-so-comfortable outfit! I am wearing the Stasia sweater in “Harbor Blue” – it’s the perfect blue/ green color.
The Kara jean in the color “denim” has long tapered legs that can be worn long or cuffed. The low-rise pants are very comfortable and flattering, even on this “old” mother-of-four.
Don’t miss your opportunity to get 15% off your entire purchase at prAna. Use code: BLOGF16TMS