Your toddler is anxiously banging on the bathroom door. No, don’t think you get two minutes to yourself. Wait, what is that? Two pink lines?! Your head is reeling… all of a sudden your exhaustion is starting to make sense.
After all these months… It FINALLY happened!
Fast forward 5 MINUTES, you are already making lists in your head because that’s what we moms do. We get pregnant and immediately think about everything involved in bringing a little person into this world.
Don’t worry, I have started a list for you. The top 10 baby registry items for baby # 2.
(This post was sponsored by, but the opinions are 100% mine.)
When you expect your first baby, you know that you need one of everything sold at the baby store, or at least so it seems.
But when you are pregnant with your second, third or fourth baby, it is hard to determine what you need to buy new and what you can hand-down. Should you even set up a registry? What if no one throws you a shower?
[bctt tweet=”10 #BabyRegistry items for #baby # 2. Tips from a mother of four! @MyRegistry to the rescue!” username=”MamaintheNow”]
As the mother of four kids, I recommend setting up a registry for each of your babies – even if you don’t expect a baby shower. A registry is a great way to keep track of all the things you need to buy or otherwise accumulate before the big day.
Top 10 Baby Registry Items for Baby # 2:
- Diapers! Yes, you need to stock up on these. Even if you use cloth diapers, a few new prints will do wonders for your diaper stash.
- Bottles! Regardless of how you decide to feed your baby, chances are you will need bottles at some point.
- Baby carrier! You will need to have your hands free to wrangle a busy toddler while you take care of a sweet baby. Super Woman wore her babies, I am convinced!
- Breast pump parts! (If you breastfeed) The pump you used with your first baby is more than likely still going strong, but the tubing and flanges should be replaced.
- Formula! (Only if you plan on formula feeding). You will want to have formula on hand before the baby arrives. However, don’t stock pile. Your baby may be sensitive towards certain ingredients, so the formula you use in the beginning may very well NOT be with you through the first year.
- Diaper cream and nipple cream! You do not want to be caught without these two cooling and healing remedies.
- Double stroller! Check out this comprehensive stroller shopping guide.
- Car seat! The baby will all too soon outgrow the baby carrier, so plan ahead and have the convertible car seat ready.
- Baby book! You know, the one that will sit unused on a shelf for a few years. You don’t want to get blamed for treating your children differently, and your first-born’s baby book is a beautiful display of your scrapbooking talents.
- Gift cards to your favorite baby store! Let’s face it, there is never such a thing as “being completely ready for the baby.” Gift cards will help you with the last minute must-haves, like the super cute “World’s Cutest Little Brother” outfit!
Before you check “baby registry” off your list, please remember that WHERE you register matters (almost) as much as what is ON your registry!
The one-of-a-kind structured baby carrier handmade in Central America on your registry is not one your Aunt Ada can find in a national baby store chain.
The special edition rare holiday cloth diapers with the bamboo and hemp blend inserts are NOT available in the rural sections of your cousin Marie’s farm community.
But… don’t worry, by setting up your registry with, your family and friends will find the exact items on your registry, with ease! is an “umbrella” registry service. You set up one registry and by downloading an “add to MyRegistry” button, you can register for any item sold on the internet.
One list, one login, one registry.
My favorite features:
- The set-up is a simple 5-step process (see the screenshots above).
- It took me less than five minutes to set up a registry and to download the “Add to MyRegistry” button.
- You can sync registries from other websites onto your MyRegistry.
- Adding items to your registry is a breeze.
- The shopping experience for your friends and family is painless.
- Registering for store gift cards is simple.
- You can request a monetary gift for a specific baby-related expense such as “a college fund.” This is a great way to start saving for college, without directly asking for money.
You will love keeping one consolidated list of things you need before the baby arrives – and your Aunt Ada will appreciate that she can get you the exact baby carrier you want – without having to travel to Central America.