Find Out Why I refuse to hide my scars!
I was still in an anesthesia-induced haze when I took pictures of the latest addition to my collection of surgical scars.
The skin on my neck was raw, red and sensitive, much like my emotions. Going through a three-hour surgery, under general anesthesia is never going to be “routine,” even if it is the surgeon’s 3,126th time performing this exact procedure.
When I took the selfie, it was meant as a way to document my journey. I looked at the scar with pride, relief and a healthy dose of self-love. I knew from experience that, like my emotions, the tenderness and rawness would calm down — even become unnoticeable over time.
My phone was flashing non-stop with notifications from friends checking in on me. I replied to a few of my closets friends with the scar-selfie. The encouraging replies pouring in as fast as I sent the picture.
“Wow, you look great!” “Amazing!” “You are a rock star!”
I felt great, until… one reply hit my inbox and stopped me dead in my tracks…
Continue to read “This is Why I Refuse to Hide My Battle Wounds“ on The Mighty.
Read my other published posts on The Mighty.
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