The Internet Safety Conversation:
Our second grader came home the other day with a yellow flyer from his computer lab teacher. I almost threw it the trash without looking at it – just because, well you know how much paper the kids bring home. Apparently the kids learned about internet safety that day. Their teacher broke the ice and started a very important dialog, for which I am grateful. The internet can be a dangerous playground. Sharing internet safety tips the kids WILL follow is more important today than ever before.
(This post was updated for accuracy in September 2018)
Our kids have limited access to the internet, however, I knew the day was rapidly approaching when I would have to sit them down and talk about how to safely navigate the world wide web. I didn’t want to speak TO them, but rather start a conversation WITH them about the whys, the hows, the why nots, and certainly the what ifs.
Find out the top reasons why we encourage our kids to be on the computer!
[bctt tweet=”Have you had “the talk” with your kids yet? #TheTalk about #InternetSafety tips – read them:”]
Unlike the talk about the birds and the bees, which dates back to the beginning of time, our generation is the first to discuss social media, internet usage and the possible dangers of “the man behind the monitor.” It may sound easy, but this is my first time having “the talk” and I find that it is a hard conversation to have. I don’t like warning my child of the ugliness in this world. I would much rather tell him not to run with scissors and not to lick the door handle. Those dangers are much less scary than white conversion vans, middle-aged men with screen names like “rainbows and unicorns” and cyber bullies.
(Now that we are talking about “kids and online safety. Don’t miss these cell-phone rules that will keep your tween safe in the real world!)
I found a perfect analogy for “the internet” which made the entire concept less abstract to an 8 year old, and it put things into perspective for him.
I simply told him to think of “the internet” as his home, our house.
Our “house” rules, the internet safety tips they WILL follow:
- Kids are not alone in the house without an adult present.
- = You should not go on the internet without an adult knowing and present.
- If someone knocks on the front door, you call an adult to answer. The adult will only open the door if they are expecting visitors.
- = If someone unknown contacts you online, do not reply, but come and get an adult.
- You never give out personal information to strangers in our neighborhood.
- = Never share information with people on the internet. Do not tell anyone where we live, our last name, where you go to school, names of your family members or phone numbers.
- The keys to the house are kept in a safe place.
- = Never share your password with anyone.
- We don’t have family pictures posted on the outside walls of our house, they are all kept inside.
- = Do not share photos or videos with anyone online without asking an adult.
- We do not buy things from strangers that show up unexpectedly at our front door.
- = Do not buy or download things from ads on the internet.
- You don’t just leave the house to go outside and play with people you don’t know.
- = Do not plan on meeting anyone from the internet without an adult’s approval and presence.
- If someone says hurtful things or acts in a mean way, you always come home and tell an adult.
- = Always tell an adult if you receive messages that hurt your feelings or make you uncomfortable.
- Your parents are always available at home to talk to you about anything that may have happened during the day.
- = Always talk to an adult about things you may have seen or experienced on the internet. We are always available.
(Wiping sweat off my brow)… Ok – so we both made it through our first “talk” and I think we did really well. He understood how important it is to stay safe while on the internet – because we wish to preserve our safety and privacy, as we do at home. Countless more “talks” to be had in the future, but one thing is certain, by the time I make it to Jonah (who isn’t even a year) I will be a pro at this!
(Don’t forget to check out the cell-phone rules that will keep your tween safe in the real world!)
Have you talked to your child about internet safety yet? How did you explain the internet in a way that he/ she understood it?
Cell Phone Rules That Will Keep Your Tween Safe in the Real World
Amber Ludwig says
My son is only two so thankfully I haven’t had to worry about this yet. Lord knows what they’ll be capable of online when he’s older!!! These are great safety tips!! I definitely plan to utilize them in the future! It makes me a little less uneasy 😉
Eva-Maria Virnas says
I absolutely love how you compared Internet with your home and house. It’s that simple actually but I have never thought about Internet this way
Gingi Edmonds Freeman says
Great post! My daughter is but a wee thing.. only 1 1/2, but me – being the notorious over planner I am – have already given a lot of thought to Internet safety and “the talk”. Hehehe.. it’s good to know there are some great resources out there for parents!
Anyhoo, I found your blog through a fellow blogger, and thought I would drop by and say hi! It would totally make my day if you stopped by my blog sometime and dropped a line.. or better yet, keep in touch! <3 –
Mama in the Now says
Thank you so much for reaching out! I will of course visit your blog!
micheleash1961 says
Thanks for the Terrific Review of Internet Safety Tips Your Child WILL Follow! I’ve been really lucky. My kids were never really too overly interested in “going online” or having a facebook account or any of that! The only time they ever used the computer was to type a paper or report on Microsoft word! I’m usually the one that “hogs” the computer and they never say a word except when they have homework that needs to be typed. If they need to “look” something up for research, they generally come to me and we look it up together! My kids are more like I was way back when. I always loved talking on the telephone more than anything else and these kids seem to be the same! I’m sure as they grow up, they will want to use the internet and things won’t be so hard to tell them then. Thanks again for all the information you shared with us about internet safety and about HiFiKiddo! I really do appreciate it! Thanks again, Michele 🙂
Mama in the Now says
You are very lucky to have such wonderful kids that aren’t drawn to the all-mighty screen. Enjoy it!!!
lisa says
Those are excellent guidelines to follow. I’m always amazed that young children know so much about computers.I started using one fairly recently and only know how to point and click. Kids need to realize that this isn’t all just a game.
lindamanns says
I really enjoyed your article and how you related to your children about the internet. I will check out this site as I have two young grandkids that like to get on the internet. Thank you for sharing
UK Proxy says
Thanks for sharing these tips. Children do need to be guided by adults. I do hope they all become responsible. It’s a good idea to follow the thought of how you relate the internet as your house.
Jessica says
Such a good analogy! I blog about technology for moms, but since I have very young children, I really had no idea how to tackle “the talk.” Would you mind if I shared your analogy in a blog post I’m working on? I really think it would be helpful for my readers, and I’d link back to you, of course.
Thanks so much for writing this post!
Mama in the Now says
Thank you so much – SURE – I would be honored if you would like to my post. THANK YOU! I am glad you liked my tech-analogy.