“Honey, you keep getting our family pictures printed… what are you going to use THESE for? The drawer in your desk, like the other 263 pictures in there?”
My husband has a point, a rather valid one. Ugh, I hate when he’s right. I have this compulsive need to get pictures printed of our family photo sessions – but then I never get around to putting them in frames, much less showing them off to all of our friends and family.
Why does he know me so well? Maybe that’s what 10 years of marriage does to you.
But this time it is different – I have a plan for the prints from PhotoLove.
(It was a pleasure working with PhotoLove on this project. I appreciate the products and compensation I received to create this craft.)
I am going to make an indoor wreath to be proudly displayed in our den.
The prints from PhotoLove fit perfectly in size, style and quality. The thick paper and polaroid format is a great match for the creation I have envisioned.
[bctt tweet=”This is an awesome way to display your photos. #DIY #Photo wreath. @PhotoLovePrints ” username=”MamaintheNow”]
Items needed to make the wreath:
- Prints from PhotoLove
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B015HSNFJM” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]Wood monogram wreath[/easyazon_link]
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B004VD41RU” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]Acrylic craft paint[/easyazon_link]
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B00V4EG6D6″ locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]Paint brush[/easyazon_link]
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B000NIFKRM” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]Hot glue gun[/easyazon_link]
Step by step instructions:
- Paint wreath a background color that matches the photos.
- Temporarily place the photos around the wreath.
- Pay attention to:
- Overall layout
- Grouping the pictures so they flow well
- Covering the monogram, or not
- Colors within the the photos
- Fire up your hot glue gun and stick the PhotoLove prints where you want them.
- Remember when using a hot glue gun, you don’t get a second chance once the glue dries.
I hung our indoor wreath with a small nail hidden behind the photos. You could also tie a ribbon hidden behind the pictures.
My husband loved the wreath – or maybe it was the fact that I put our prints to good use.
Check out PhotoLove today:
- The quality of their prints is amazing.
- The website is easy to use.
- Delivery was fast.
- Use coupon code for 10% off: “mamainthenow10%”
Place your order today, even if you just want to share adorable pictures of your kids with relatives, this box makes a statement when it arrives.
For more wreath inspiration, don’t miss these fun ideas.
I am slightly wreath-obsessed, can you tell?
This is such a cute idea! Thanks for the tips!
I am glad you liked it!!! 🙂
This is such a neat idea and would make a great gift for grandparents!
Yes – perfect for grandparents! 🙂
What a neat idea!
THANK YOU – I am glad you liked it!
Omgosh I just love this!! We have so many pictures and I never know what to do with them all!! This is a great idea!!
Thank you… I had to do something with our (growing) collection of prints!
Love this idea!
This is such a great idea! And I am very guilty of printing tons of pictures. Thank you!