If you are a working mother, please take a few minutes to read my thorough list of things you need to do ASAP! You do NOT want to run the risk that your employer looks at you as a corporate-ladder-climber with a lot of potential – that only leads to bigger paychecks and longer titles. Instead, be View Post
Don’t Miss This: “Letter to the Mom…”
They told me to write from the heart, so I did. They also said to “write what you know” - I did that too. After blogging for a year, freelance writing for longer and generally enjoying word-smithing for as long as I can remember, I feel like things are falling into place. Slowly the pieces to the View Post
Why I Like My Boss WAY Better Than My Toddler
I recently came home from a long day at the office. I had missed my family something fierce - as I do every day. Being a working mother IS hard - regardless of how much you like your career and ADORE your job! As with anything hard in life, we have to find some positive attributes to make them seem View Post
When Being Too Honest Hurts
We go through life managing one relationship after another. Our entire day is a constant dance, bouncing from one human-encounter to the next, and each time we are faced with interactions that can either make or break our day. View Post
Foster Your Child’s Love for Reading – At Any Age
I grew up in Denmark, in a small town, in a really tiny house. Our itty-bitty house was packed from floor to ceiling with books. These books were my world – and my world was large and wide. View Post