I received promotional items from LEGO® DUPLO® in return for my honest review. The opinions stated in this post are 100% mine – and the kids’.
The house is quiet, for once. The big kids are in school. It’s just Jonah and I on the living room floor. There is a wall of laundry to the left of us, and that’s OK – it can wait. Truth is, it WILL wait. The dishes from this morning’s breakfast are cluttering the counter, they will also wait!
I sit quietly and observe Jonah’s typical toddler play and I am blown away. Just three short years ago this little human lived inside my womb. He has learned so much in the last 1,000 days. Imagine if adults developed that much in 3 years?!?
I am at his level, looking at his toys through his eyes – and what a fun world it is. The colors are bright, everything fits comfortably in his clumsy chunky hands.
Toddler play is where it’s at!
There are no rules, because, let’s face it – toddlers aren’t known to be rule-followers. They make their own as they go along.
Jonah breaks his attention from the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00NHQH6RY” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]DUPLO® preschool[/easyazon_link] he is playing with. He puts down the teacher, her tea pot and looks at me with his big hazel eyes. “Mama, me want milk in my pink princess cup, pretty please!”
Who can argue with such sweetness and politeness? Certainly not I!
As I am digging through the dishwasher to find the right pink princess cup, the one with the butterflies and girls in purple dresses, I smile.
Imagine if our lives were as simple and pure as a toddler’s?!
Remember when getting your favorite drink served in the exact right cup was all it took to make you happy?! When wearing the red shirt with the pretty sparkles made you feel like a princess? When taking a long nap in the afternoon was the only thing you HAD to do, the kind of nap that made your hair sweaty and left drool on your pillow.
Remember when our words were simpler? When we spoke straight from the heart without censorship. When our message was pure and simple.
The world would be a better place if we lived like – and spoke like toddlers – it would definitely be a lot funnier.
17 Toddler Truths Every Mom Should Say:
Picture yourself saying these things to your spouse, friends or complete strangers.
- Here, hold my booger!
- Oh there you are. You going potty? Let’s talk right NOW!
- No clothes today, I want to be naked!
- I wanted my latte in the pink cup. It tastes yucky in this cup!
- This salad is too vegetably!
- My legs broke, carry me!
- Not those black yoga pants. They are the wrong color black!
- You are not nice. I am not your friend anymore!
- Stop looking at me!
- You are breathing too close to me!
- Oops, I farted!
- I can’t wear underwear today. They hurt!
- I have to pee, NOW. Don’t talk to me!
- I am NOT eating that green thing. I am hungry, can I have ice cream?!
- I want money. Give me money, pretty please! I said “please!”
- I wanna watch “This Is Us”, again – and again. Don’t change the channel, ever!
- You hurt my feelings. Say you are sorry!
If we spoke from the heart and said more “toddler truths,” our messages wouldn’t get lost in translation. Our words would carry more weight and there would be fewer misunderstandings.
LEGO® sent this fun DUPLO® pack with Google glasses and big clumsy gloves with only three “fingers”. It is meant for parents to see and experience the world through their toddler’s eyes. Wearing the gloves gave me a whole new appreciation for toddler’s fine motor skils, or lack thereof. Suddenly, I felt like I had three thumbs on each hand. This was also highly entertaining to the kids. Even our older boys didn’t realize how their 3-year old brother must feel, being “all thumbs and no grace”.
Going through this exercise made me realize how quickly we lose the ability to see the world unfiltered and simply the way it REALLY is. We are so quick to look at things with judgement and prejudice.
For a good laugh and a lot of great informatio, check out the latest campsign by LEGO DUPLO®: Toddler Truths
Take a few minutes today, get down on the floor with your child. You don’t have to engage or interrupt their play, simply observe. Watch them play and pay attention to how their imagination blossoms as they get more and more engaged in their game.
Jonah has been playing with his [easyazon_link identifier=”B01J41D4IA” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]DUPLO® bricks[/easyazon_link] non-stop for days. He reenacts experiences he has had at his brothers’ schools. He replicates games all four boys played the night before. He talks about letters and numbers. And, of course [easyazon_link identifier=”B01KMUUQMO” locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]DUPLO® Batman[/easyazon_link] makes a guest appearance once in a while.
Thank you to Jonah and all the toddlers that have crossed my path over the years. I will try to see the world from your vantage point more often. The world is definitely bigger, more colorful and fun from down here on the floor.
How will you engage in toddler play today?
Don’t miss my other LEGO®-related posts, they are full of creative ways to play and create with the[easyazon_link identifier=”B00IANUGI0″ locale=”US” tag=”maminthenow0e-20″]world’s greatest toy![/easyazon_link]:
How to Make The Most Awesome LEGO® Batman Oreos
How to Make The Most Awesome LEGO® Batman Oreos