“Hi! Yes, I know, my belly is really big. No, I am not about to pop, although it may look like that. Nope, it is not twins, I am certain. Yes, we know what we are having – its our fourth boy!” “Four boys, yep – “Oh boy” is right!”… and that is approximately how every conversation with complete strangers goes these days.
The general public’s reaction to our growing family is, by a majority vote: “Four boys?! Oh Boy!”. The comment is followed by a look that screams “remind me never to invite this family over for a dinner party. Their house must be wild”, and then we part ways…
I am what you would call a big and happy pregnant woman. I know from experience that I gain A LOT of weight, due in part to my incurable Starbucks habit, but also fluid retention from living in our subtropical climate. The weight gain seems to bother others MUCH more than it bothers me – or the baby. The comments I get from strangers and friends alike are not for the faint of heart – but seeing how this is my fourth and (probably) final pregnancy I have learned to have a few quick-witted one liners ready in retaliation for the insensitive comments.
[bctt tweet=”Little known reasons to have large #family – from a mother of four boys! #FourBoysOhBoy #Motherhood”]
It should also be said that we do not have babies in our family. We give birth to viking-sized toddlers, which also explains the basketball belly and the equally as large counter-balance in the rear! Jacob weighed 9lbs 1oz, Jordan topped him at 9lbs 7oz and then there was Jansen – our little record and scale breaker, weighing in at 11lbs 5oz. Baby Jonah is estimated to weigh less than Jansen, but probably more than his two oldest brothers.
Apparently, once you break the mold of the average American family and venture into the three and even four children family size, you are looked upon as something out of this world. Generally people jump to the conclusion that you and your spouse are either certifiably insane, you have never heard of birth control or there must be a religious reason for the unstoppable quest to populate the world.
In our case, none of those reasons apply. It must be love then – love for chaos, love for sleepless nights, love for loud noises, love for waking up with diapers or feet in our face, love for the bear cub-like wrestling matches, love for Lego imprints on the soles of our feet as we dodge the little pieces of plastic scattered all over our floors, love for each other and being a self-contained family unit!
Next time I will share some of my real-life, yet unbelievable conversations with strangers and coworkers – all focused on my growing belly.
What a great post! My belly as well almost looked like yours! I had 3 children and wonder if people will not invite us over as the years keep passing and the kids keep getting older. Life is funny and so are our kids. Never judging just loving. I love having 3 and would never turn back! Congrats Tove!!
Thank you, Kelsey. We decided to venture into the world of FOUR kids because having three was honestly such a breeze. I tell friends that going from one child to two was WAY harder than going from two to three… so let’s see what it’s like to go to four! (I think as parents we just get used to being outnumbered).
Love this post! Being pregnant really opens us up to the world in a unique way. I remember random people talking to me and smiling at me and not realizing why for a long time. I think you look amazing and just love that you are filling your home and our world with sweet little boys!
Thank you so much for your sweet words, Sara. I also remember the first time I went to the store WITHOUT my baby – when he was an infant. All of a sudden people didn’t smile and make random conversation with me. You are truly interesting and open to any type of commentary when you are in public pregnant or with a baby. Funny!
It really bothers me that strangers/friends/family members think that they can say whatever pops into their heads about a pregnant woman or comment on her size. You are beautiful! You are glowing and happy and about to have another little man in your life who will love you forever. (To be surrounded by men who love you – what a joy!) Congratulations!
Thank you so much, Lauren. Even tonight I was told by a relative “you are wider this time around” – ha ha ha – I told my husband and he said “oh no – I smell another blog post coming up”. I DO love my band of little men – they make me feel secure and OH SO loved!!!! Thankfully I have tough skin… so I can handle the comments – but they still amuse me to no end.
Love the belly picture!! Curious about #4 how much did Jonah end up weighing? By the way, congrats on baby # 4. We have 4 boys & 4 girls, so I know what you mean about people thinking you are crazy.
Sara – you are my new hero!!!! Wow! Right now I have 7 weeks to go and he’s already over 5lbs… so we are steadily on track for 10lbs+! You will have to check back in January for a weight update! 😉
I have six kids. At the grocery store I’m often asked if they are all mine……..
Hahahaha – I get that too! Or “you sure have your hands full!” 🙂
I just found out we are having our fourth boy. I was a little sad because I was hoping this was a girl. But I got over it. I love my boys. I connect with them very well. I myself have two older brothers and no sisters so I was a Lil Tim bog growing up. We love football!!! Lol!!
Congratulations!!!! Four boys – it’s all the rage! You will be the most-loved, best protected mama out there! (But get ready for the stink… I am not sure WHAT it is, but they smell…) 🙂
For real tho, I’m in tears. You love being parents as much as we do. People just do NOT “get” this! Is it soooo insane to love our children and, in turn, want to have more??! It is just unfathomable, right? I have three, and at my job as a server my day is literally an all day explanation to strangers why I’m 26 with three kids- it gets unbelievably tiresome! Thank you for this totally relatable post!
Thank you for your kind words! Yes – parenting is a blast – as much as it is tiring. It’s really a gig you have to be knee-deep in to fully appreciate! 🙂
I loved the post ! I recently gave birth to my 5 th child. Yes 5 children !! My oldest is a boy and the other four are girls ?.
Congratulations!!! 5 – I bet it’s just like having 3 or 4… because once you are outnumbered it’s fair game. BEST OF LUCK!!!! Enjoy!