OK – so I am sitting here in bed counting what apparently is just Braxton Hicks contractions. This feels much like cleaning my kids’ room while they are in there playing – POINTLESS!
I am 39 weeks tomorrow, which is considered full term. There is a full moon in the sky tonight. Coincidence? – I THINK NOT! I believe this is all part of the Universe’s master plan for baby Jonah to pick his own birthdate! I would prefer for him to tell me when he’s ready to arrive, instead of me picking an arbitrary date, simply because it fit well in our busy calendar.
The old wives tale/ folklore about the full moon and its effect on pregnant women can be explained by the moon’s influence on the tides of the ocean. The human body is comprised of 80% of water, so to think that the lunar phases have no impact on us would be rather arrogant. There are some studies that narrowly confirm that the Labor & Delivery departments are busier a few days before and after a full moon, and then of course there are other studies that that debunk the entire theory as a myth.
At my last OB appointment two days ago, I asked my doctor if he felt there was any validity this way of thinking. His answer to me was a heartfelt “I think you should go out in your backyard, point your lady parts towards the moon and scream “BREAK MY WATER”!” (This comment was censored for the sake of keeping my blog clean). My doctor is lucky that I didn’t fall off the exam table in tears laughing.
Now I am stuck in a dilemma! Do I go against doctor’s orders, or not?! What’s a girl to do on this great day of the earth, moon and sun being in alignment?! I have yet to decide, but I caution you to NOT drive by our backyard tonight, and if you hear a wolf-like howling coming from said backyard… just keep driving – it’s all part of me returning to nature – and living in the NOW!
Stay tuned for an update tomorrow! – and while there is time – don’t forget to enter your birth weight estimate for Jonah!