I am so excited to have worked with Sidney Young from “Need Organizing?” on this article.
“According to a study conducted by a Boston marketing firm, the average American wastes 55 minutes a day, roughly 12 weeks a year looking for things they own but cannot find.” Newsweek
With those staggering numbers it is not surprising that moms everywhere feel overwhelmed and stressed when their house is cluttered. The mere thought of gaining control of the clutter adds more anxiety and pressure to an already busy day. So what is a family to do?! Thankfully Sidney has 10 tangible and sensible shortcuts to get any family on the road to a clutter-free home!
[bctt tweet=”#Declutter your home, once and for all with these 10 tips from @NeedOrganizing1 – #HappyHome” username=”MamaintheNow”]
10 Organizing Shortcuts. Combat Clutter Once and For All:
These are some of my favorite tips that will help you shed all that unwanted “stuff” and save you much needed time.
- Use the “one in, two out” rule. It takes only seconds to toss out an old shirt and pants you never wear to make room for that new jacket.
- Keep a small basket in your car for clutter. I move things in and out of my car on a daily basis, save a trip and use a basket. Once it is empty you can refill it with items that need to go back in the car the next day.
- Whenever you run across ANYTHING that is broken, ripped, the wrong size or just worn out, immediately get rid of it by tossing it or donating it.
- Store sheet sets in the same room as the bed. It’s never fun having to unfold every sheet to find the size.
- Focus on one room and one drawer at a time. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with a to-do list a mile long. When time is limited, set your alarm for 20 minutes (or longer if you have it) and focus on one section on the room. Don’t move to the next room until the one you started is finished.
- If you don’t use it daily get it off your bathroom counter. Shave time off your morning routine by only keeping the basics out.
- Go through mail RIGHT AWAY while standing over a recycling bin. 65% of mail is advertisements, save yourself the kitchen counter space and toss it before it piles up.
- Make clean up time a game and get the kids involved. At the end of the night set the timer for 15 minutes and have the little ones put away their own toys. One less thing that mom has to do. 15 minutes a day adds up to over 90 hours a year
- Give papers that are used frequently (phone list, take-out menus and school calendar) a home rather than on a counter top or stuck with a magnet to the fridge. Use a 3 ring binder and keep it accessible.
- Always do a toy purge before birthdays and the holidays. Making room for the new helps prevent piles of toys to go through later.
Find the system that works best for you. Unfortunately I can’t tell you which tips or system will work for you and your family, but keep trying. Getting control of the clutter and staying organized will save you so much time in the long run! I promise! Less clutter > less stress > a happier mom… and we know what happens when mom is happy – everyone is happy!
Sidney Young
How do you stay ahead of the clutter on your kitchen counter?
Sidney Young from Need Organizing?:
She is a celebrity among the local moms for the services “Need Organizing?” skillfully offers in our community. “Need Organizing?” has since 1999 helped hundreds of people gain control of their clutter and get organized.
Sidney Young is a member of the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and specializes in residential organizing for families. Her mission: “Help people rid their homes of clutter, allowing them more time for the things that really matter.”
For more organizing tips follow Need Organizing’s Facebook Page and check out Sidney’s website at www.need-organizing.com. For a consultation and specific organizing help, call her at 561 401-1832.
Sidney has over the years shared several awesome tips and home organization hacks – and they are widely popular. See for yourself.
Get The Best Kitchen Command Center Ideas From a Professional
Smart Kitchen Organization Tips
Playroom Organization Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Perhaps you could add ‘beyond repair’ to point 3? I would never throw out anything broken or ripped without first trying to repair it.
I live by the one in two out rule!!! my friends think I’m crazy. Actually just went through my closet this morning getting rid of old clothes. Definitely need to start going through mail right away. Thats the worst :/
One in – two out… it’s an amazing rule. Personally, I need to do that to my closet!
Thanks for posting! I particularly agree with the #7 tip–going through the mail right away. If we don’t go through it right away, it usually sits on the coffee table or kitchen counter for days. It becomes part of the furniture!
“Part of the furniture” – oh so painfully true!!!!