I think all moms can agree that mornings can truly make of break your entire day. The flow of the early hours sets the stage for the rest of the day. We will forever be chasing after all the minutes we overslept and the mood of our kids' paint every hour thereafter. Sprinkle in a little bit of View Post
The 10 Must Have Items For Your Baby’s Medicine Cabinet
The 10 must-have items for your baby's medicine cabinet. These supplies will get new moms and veteran moms through baby's first colds and fevers with ease! The 10 Must-Have Items For Your Baby's Medicine Cabinet Whether you are an expecting mom, new mom or one who has trudged through the trenches View Post
The Best Guide to Experience Gifts for Kids and Teens
I am honored to feature another post today from Sidney Young from Need Organizing? She is a “regular” on my blog because I love her down-to-earth common sense ways to combat clutter and keep your home organized! I know you will love this article from her too! Here is Sidney’s: "The Best Guide to View Post
20 Potty Training Reminders for Desperate Parents
If you find yourself knee-deep in potty training, chances are you will LOVE these potty training reminders. You will feel validated, I promise! I have never been an overly ambitious mother, especially not when it comes to potty training. I always figured that the boys would catch on - eventually. View Post
Super Smart Ways to Prepare Your Child For a New Sibling
Congratulations, you are pregnant! You have been down this path once, twice (maybe even more times). You know what to expect from your body, your spouse, and friends. But there is one unknown factor this time - your toddler! The little being who up until now has been your baby. The cherub who View Post
Everything You Need to Breastfeed, in Addition to Breasts
Starting to breastfeed can be overwhelming. Get these breastfeeding supplies and you will be off to a wonderful breastfeeding journey. As a mother of four who breastfed for a total of 90 months over the span of 10 years, I found that being prepared for the “unexpected” gave me an advantage when View Post
Breastfeeding Advice From 67 of Your Breast Friends
Where do you find your breastfeeding support? I recently reached out to YOU (aka my readers/ friends/ fellow moms) to hear the best breastfeeding advice you ever received… and now i have bundled this fantastic package of 67 estrogen-filled, supportive hugs into one big article! Bookmark View Post
How to Bottle Feed Your Breastfed Baby – Without Tears!
Bottle Feeding a Breastfed Baby I need to start planning for the end. The end of my maternity leave is only two weeks away, and I have not wanted to think about it until today. My breastfed baby will have to take a bottle once I go back to work, and he has yet to try one. But today is the day, he View Post
When Should You Introduce The Bottle? Don’t Do What I Did!
The key to bottle-feeding success is planning! As a breastfeeding mom it is very easy to feel like you will forever be walking around with a baby hanging off your breast, especially in the first couple of months. Your life is full of cuddling, nursing sessions, diaper changes and smelling the View Post
10 Steps to Getting the Most out of Your Hand-Me-Downs
It's that special time of year, the one that everyone looks forward to... well, at least I do. Bringing out big boxes from our storage closet, opening the lid, emptying the content and looking at everything is a long afternoon walk down memory lane. Each and every item has a story and the older View Post
Learn the Eight Signs of Teething!
Teething bites “Teething bites!” - All parents (and babies) agree on this. There is no worse feeling in the world than watching your child in discomfort or pain - and being completely helpless. Teething is definitely a milestone I deem as a necessary evil. Your otherwise sweet and wiggly View Post
A Simple Solution to End Separation Anxiety
Motherhood is part creating attachment and equal parts detaching, ever so lovingly - at JUST the right time. Today I witnessed a beautifully executed loving detachment, made possible by a mutually strong attachment. This miracle happened because I used a incredibly simple (and effective) solution to View Post
The Best Parenting Advice
As the mother of four, there are a few things I have learned and am reminded of on a daily basis. First and foremost, little boys have poor aim, they just do. The things that are favorites today are considered poisonous tomorrow. Last but not least, you are not “better at” parenting just because you View Post
Keep Your Baby Warm and Healthy This Winter
I am excited to have recruited help from a non-Floridian writer for this particular topic! Jennifer Taylor from MomTricks is guest writing. You will need her tips if you live anywhere but South Florida, so please read and share this with your other cold-weather friends. Everything You Need to View Post